DEBORAH! Judges 4!!!
So basically how it goes down is Israel screws up AGAIN, after Ehud is judge! Well God decides to raise a prophetess up. Deborah was selected and she was to summon Barak. (v. 6) "Behold the Lord the GOd of Israel has commanded, 'Go and march to Mount Tabor and take with you ten thousand men from the sons of Naphtali and from the sons of Zebulun."
Well Barak fearing this land and this huge assignment because it is overwhelming and he probably has no idea what to do with such a task responds in verse 8. "The Barak said to her if you will go with me, then I will go. But if you will not go with me then I will not go!"
And Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh where the people would be given by the Lord into the hands of Barak. Verses 14-17, is Deborah kicking Barak out to battle and Barak kicking the Sisera out of the land!
Barak would not have been so victorious if it had not been for Deborah walking closely with the Lord, following His commands, and giving the encouragement that Barak needed in order to fight! Later in the book of Hebrews 11, in the accounts of all the prophets and their stories guess who is mentioned? No, not Deborah, but Barak! You may be thinking.... but Deborah should have been the one recognized. However Barak was the one that God had called to fight the battle, Deborah was just a servant that was commanded to encourage Barak to fulfill his duty to the Lord.
I find this very interesting. I think this is a very good example of how a husband and wife should work together. Not because Deborah and Barak were married, but because the men are supposed to be the leaders. The men are the ones that need to fight and they are the ones that are going to be recognized and sought out as leaders. Women have a whole different job. We don't need to fight for the head leadership, to be the top of the top. Deborah was a prophetess but she didn't fight the battles. Her job was to listen to God's calling, and be alongside and encouraging and prompting Barak to be obedient.
So what can we take out of this?
What are some qualities of Deborah that we can learn from?
What are some qualities of Barak we can learn from?
How can we live differently knowing this story?